Senior Summit 2019

This year’s Senior Summit will be the weekend of August 24 and 25!  The class of 2020 will be joining us for a fun-filled weekend at Lake Brownwood!  We will be staying at Scott and Jennifer McMillan’s lake house!  Seniors are to arrive to Hillcrest at 8:00 a.m. on Saturday morning August 24th to spend the night (be sure to pack a swimsuit and bring a beach towel).  We’ll spend the day together having fun on the water and concluding our day with a devotional.

Parents of seniors will join us on Sunday morning.  Parents will meet at Hillcrest (no later than 9:30 a.m.) and there will be a bus available to drive you to the lake house.  It will depart from Hillcrest as soon as our preacher, Nathan Burrow (a parent of a senior) finishes his sermon.  When you arrive we will spend the morning together with a Lord’s Supper devotional and participate in some fellowship activities together.  We’ll eat lunch together, and then spend the afternoon blessing our seniors and their parents as they prepare for this special year.  When we return to Abilene, the elders from Hillcrest will be waiting to give your family a blessing before you head home.  We should be done, and everyone heading home for the day between 5:30 and 6:00 p.m. on Sunday.

There is no cost for the weekend, but we do ask that you register no later than Wednesday August 21.

To RSVP for this great weekend, please click here.

If you have any questions, please do note hesitate reaching out to our youth minister, Lance Parrish, with questions.  You can email him here.

Who: Class of 2020 & their parents/guardians
What: Senior Summit 2019
When: August 24-25
Where: A Lake house on Lake Brownwood
Why: To begin this senior year with fellowship and blessing for our seniors and their families
Cost: Free