Family & Community Ministry

Minister – Jack Hardcastle
Ministry Areas
- Benevolence
- Counseling
- Crisis/Disaster
- Divorce Care Classes
- Family Classes on Marriage, Parenting, Budgeting
- Family/Community Services
- Prison Ministry
- Hillcrest Helps
- Sitting at the Feet
Women’s Ministry - Faith at Home
- Men’s Ministries
- Woman to Woman Events
Walking alongside families and providing a safe path pointing to Christ
This is the vision of all the family ministries we have here at Hillcrest. We want to provide a place where the whole family can be ministered to, from the fragile state of the infant to the legacy building stage of the older adult. We do that through ministry areas under the Family Ministry umbrella.
MEN: There are many opportunities in our community to meet with other men and share our lives, struggles and successes. Here are several that are available immediately where you can experience “Iron Sharpening Iron.” See Jack Hardcastle for more information.
- MAN UP: First Tuesday of the month, 12-1 p.m. at Station 1 (140 Mulberry St.)
- Mighty Men of God: Wednesdays, 12-1 p.m. at Potters Pizza (3802 Buffalo Gap Rd)
- Man Night: 3rd Sunday Night, 6-8 p.m. at Fort Refuge (364 CR 154, Tuscola)
- Big Country Men (Men of Nehemiah) – Monday nights, 6:30- 8 p.m. (meal included) Grace Fellowship (910 Cypress)