Apologetics Class Notes

Do we have a reasonable faith? When in discussion with an atheist or agnostic do you have good arguments you can rely on to show that your belief in God isn’t just a blind leap or special-pleading? In our study this summer we are seeking to answer these questions with a resounding yes! If you have missed class, or would simply like a copy of my notes as we go through this series you will find them here.

Please be aware that as we go I will post my notes, but that they are very unfinished. Once the series is over, I intend to go back through and edit and polish them up a bit.

Class Notes:

Apologetics Intro

Finding our way to God pt 1 and 2

Objections to the Kalam Cosmological Argument (see video below)

The Triune Nature of God pt1

Links and videos: Below you’ll find links and videos that have been used in class.

A great explanation of the Kalam Cosmological Argument.

Used in class discussion on objections to the Kalam Cosmological Argument.