Sunday Morning Bible Classes
A place to learn and grow with people you can relate to

Young Adults Class – Room 17
You are invited to this class for those in their 20s & 30s. Our aim is to build community while growing our identity in Christ as kingdom members.
Contact Kyle Cunningham, Zach McCartney

College Class
College students and those just out of high school who are already pursuing their career.
Contact Zach McCartney

Generations Class – Chapel
All ages are welcome here. Even though we meet in the Chapel, this class is less formal with more discussion.
Contact Jack Hardcastle
Young at Heart Class – Room 10
This class has teachers that usually teach from 4-8 weeks, on topics that have been selected by the education coordinators. Most are in or nearing retirement age, but all are welcome.
Contact Fred Jamison
Common Ground Class – Room 11
This class brings together all ages where they can meet on “common ground”, and engage in Bible study and activities that promote unity and a close relationship to God and His word.
Contact Derek Hood, Dan Sheppard, Dave Copeland
Welcome Class – Room 12
We are a group that meets each week to study and pray together, as well as give thanks to the Lord. We believe one of our main focuses is to pray for each other and work towards meeting the needs of class members. All ages are welcome.
Contact – Bruce Campbell, J.R. Foster
Soulful Filling Class – Room 14-15
Mostly 40’s and 50’s age range.
Contact Kyle McAlister, Rick Riddle
Seekers Class – Room 16
This is a classs for people new to Hillcrest or new Christians
Contact Nathan Burrow
H.O.P.E. Class – Room 21
(Helping Others through Prayer and Encouragement)
Mostly Retirees, Widows, and Singles
Contact Bert Niccum
Sonrise Class
(8:00 a.m. Room 30)
We meet early before worship service, and we usually circle up to study, learn and discuss together. All ages are welcome.
Contact Kurt Boyland
SALT Class – Room 30
Sharing and Learning Together (SALT) is the mission of this class. Most are in their 20’s to 40’s. All are welcome.
Contact Joey Roberts, Justin Harrison
MASH Class – Room 52
Married And Serving Him (MASH)
We are a fellowship focused group of young marrieds and young families. Our goal is to support each other as we navigate through the unique challenges of early marriages and raising children in the 21st century.
Contact Jeffrey McDuff, Sean Smith
Refuge Class– Room 212
Adult Bible Class for all ages who are facing struggles in life or who are trying to reach out to others who are struggling.
Psalm 46:1
Contact John Casada
The F.U.N. Class – Room 219
(Fellowship, Unity, Nurturing)
This class is one that engages in Bible study, and participates in activities that deepen our relationship with God, encourage each other, and strengthen our families. This class is made up mainly of people ages 45 and up.
Contact Troy McCorquodale